When Can I apply for a Facebook Small Business Grant?

Facebook has announced that starting April 18th they have begun accepting applications for grants. Facebook is accepting grants in a staggered approach with companies based in:

  1. NYC and Seattle are able to apply from April 18th.
  2. San Francisco able to apply from April 20th.
  3. The rest of the US starting April 22nd.

The due date for all applications is May 5th.

How Much Are The Grants Worth?

In total, Facebook Grants will be giving away $100,000,000 (One Hundred Million Dollars in Grants). Each grant is worth $2,500 in cash and up to $1,500

Who Is Eligible For Facebook Grants?

  • For-profit company
  • Have between 2 and 50 employees
  • Have been in business for over a year
  • Have experienced challenges from COVID-19
  • Be in or near a location where Facebook operates

How Long Does The Facebook Grants Application Take?

We completed it in about 10 minutes. Depending on finding specific paperwork or how detailed you want to get with your story I’d budget no more than 30 minutes from start to finish. The Facebook small business grants program application process seems to be administered by a 3rd party company Ureeka. The actual application is run on the SurveyMonkey platform.

What Kind Of Information Do They Need?

The Application is broken up into 6 parts: (A-F)

A. You’ll be asked for personal basic information.  (Part A)

  • Name
  • Phone Number
  • Home Address

B. In Part B, you’ll be asked for information about your company (again pretty straightforward)

  • Company Name
  • Website
  • Address
  • Description of business (No minimum, maximum 200 words)
  • What industry that your business is in.

C. Next in Part C, you’ll be asked some questions about the companies background (specifically the owner). These questions seem to have a prefer not to answer option, so a response is required, but you don’t have to share any information which you’re not comfortable sharing.  These questions include:

  1. If your business can be classified as minority-owned, veteran-owned, etc..
  2. The majority owners race or ethnicity
  3. Preferred gender pronoun.

Again, there is an option for do not wish to share for each of these if you’re not comfortable answering them. We haven’t seen the selection criteria, but hopefully, these questions are used for reporting purposes and not for the basis of the grants.

D. Part D of the Facebook Small Business Loan Application asks specifically how that they grant will help your business manage through COVID-19 as well as asking how that this grant will impact your local community. For these 2 questions, there are a range of answers which you are allowed to mark a checkbox.

At the end of Part D, you’ll be asked to further describe how the grant will impact your local community. (Again, there doesn’t appear to be a minimum, but there is a maximum response of 200 words.)

E. Part E requires proof that you’re a real business. You will be prompted to enter your Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) as well as the opportunity to provide proof of incorporation, FEIN, Partnership, Official Registration, or business license. At least 1 proof is required, maximum 3.

F. You’re almost there… The final step (Part F) requires that you disclose if you’re part of specific businesses (Gambling, Alcohol, Facebook, Government, etc..) and agree to the Grant Program Terms.

Where Do I Sign Up?

Click https://www.facebook.com/business/boost/grants/application-guide scroll down to the bottom of the page and click See Available Locations!

Good luck on your Facebook Small Business Grants App!

Let me know if we’re missing any questions for this process and I’ll be happy to update the post!

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