One of the first things we do when looking at a client’s account is to visit their Analytics to look at the current site traffic and trends. We also need this access to connect with AdWords if we are the PPC Consultants on the account. Providing someone with access to your analytics account is a relatively simple 3 step process.

1) Visit and login with your account. After logging in you may see a window similar to this. This is the reporting view. To add additional users you will need to click Admin at the top to access the admin area.

Analytics Admin

2) From the Admin view, you can add a user by selecting User Management under the Account, Property, or View columns. Someone added under the account level will be given access to all properties and all views, while someone at the view level will only have access to the specific view you assigned. This may create problems later if filtered views are created and you wish to give the person access to those newly created views. Depending on the number of properties (both current and future) you will have in the account and the person’s involvement with those properties, we’d recommend deciding whether you’d like to give them access to the account or a specific property.

Step2-User Management

3) On this screen you will see a list of your current users. Scroll down to the bottom and you will see a text field where you can add a user (assuming they have a Google account tied to that email address)


The permissions are set so that you can select any variation of permissions, you don’t have to select one. Think about what the users role will be, what permissions they need for that role, and what security implications that might have. Google gives some great examples on this page of each of the permissions which should make it easier for you to decide.

• User administrators, whose only functions within Analytics are to add users, assign them permissions for properties and views, and delete them from the account when necessary (Manage Users permission)
• Report collaborators, who can create and share personal assets, as well as collaborate on shared assets; for example, edit a shared dashboard or annotation (Collaborate permission)
• Account administrators, who can create and edit objects in Analytics, like goals and filters, and who can also view and manipulate report data (Edit permission)
• Report users (e.g., analysts), who can view and manipulate report data (View permission)

Step3-Add User

After you’ve selected the permissions click add. Unlike AdWords there is no need to login again to confirm access so assuming the permissions were set right and the email address you entered is a valid google account, your job is done!

If you need help with analytics or any of your digital marketing needs, please reach out to us!

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